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How to Text Your Ex Girlfriend After a Breakup and How to Win Her Back

Breaking up with someone you care about can be a difficult process, so it can be tricky to know how to approach them afterwards. One of the most common things break-ups tend to have in common is the need to explain what went wrong and talk through the emotions of the breakup. If you need to get in touch with your ex girlfriend to talk through the breakup, then texting can be a great option.


  1. Think carefully about why you want to contact your ex girlfriend. Take a few minutes to think about why you want to text her. If it’s truly to apologize and see if you can work things out, then consider continuing. If you want to text her to simply vent or vent frustrations, you should reconsider.
  2. Write out what you want to say before sending a text. It can be helpful to write out what you want to say in a journal, on a piece of paper or in a text editor. This helps remove any emotions from the message and lets you think through what you want to say. If your goal is to reach out in hopes of getting back together, keep this in mind while writing.
  3. Consider your timing. If you had an ugly, heated breakup, it may be wise to wait a while before attempting to text your ex. It may be better to wait until both of you have had a chance to cool off and reflect on the situation.
  4. Be encouraging and understanding. Try to focus on expressing understanding and gratitude rather any anger or bitterness. Stay positive and focus on the fact that you were able to grow and learn from the relationship. Also, try to be encouraging by expressing hope the best for both of you.
  5. Close on a positive note. Finish your text with something kind and gentle. Let your ex girlfriendknow you care about her and wish the best for her. This will also help leave a positive impression and could potentially help re-build some of the trust between the two of you.


  • Don’t expect your ex to respond positively to your text. Your ex may need more time to process the breakup and may not yet be ready to talk.
  • Avoid blaming or making accusations. Keep the conversation as positive as possible and avoid reacting to any potential emotions.
  • Be honest and open. Don’t be afraid to express your feelings, but don’t be overly emotional. This will help you have a constructive conversation.
  • Respect your ex’s wishes. If your ex asks for space, respect her wishes and do not push for a response. She will reach out when she’s ready.
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