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Terminating an Employee in California

Terminating an employee is a difficult situation and should be approached with the utmost sensitivity and respect. In the state of California, there are specific steps to take when it comes to the termination of an employee. Following these steps will help protect your business and ensure that you remain compliant with California labor laws.

Steps to Terminate an Employee in California

  • Consult with Human Resources or an employment law attorney.
  • Document the cause for termination.
  • Identify any relevant state or federal notice requirements.
  • Create a termination agreement that outlines employee rights.
  • Inform other employees of the termination.
  • Determine final pay and benefits.
  • Provide the employee with a copy of the termination agreement.
  • Return the employee's personal property.
  • Retain all relevant documents.
  • Help your employee transition.
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