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How to Take Meeting Notes Your Team Will Actually Use

Taking great meeting notes isn’t easy—especially in a fast-paced environment where ideas fly and everyone present has something to contribute. Knowing how to take effective meeting minutes can ensure the right decisions are made and that everyone is on the same page throughout the team.

Follow these steps to ensure your team will get the most out of your meeting notes:

Step 1: Know Your Audience

Before the meeting starts, you should have an idea of the meeting’s purpose and its attendees. Knowing who will be present and what topics are likely to come up will ensure you’re taking notes that are important, relevant, and accurate.

Step 2: Listen and Capture the Key Points

As the meeting progresses, it's critical that you listen attentively and capture the key highlights. Pay close attention to who's who, who speaks when, and the topics discussed. Record the main points, and any actionable items, as accurately as possible.

Step 3: Document Ideas Clearly

The best way to take meeting notes is to include the points discussed, along with any ideas or suggestions from the group. Document these clearly and concisely, then review them afterwards and identify any additional action items.

Step 4: Capture Next Steps and Action Items

At the end of the meeting, take a few moments to recap the major points and make sure everyone is in agreement about the next steps. Document any action items clearly, assigning tasks to specific individuals with deadlines. This will help keep the team on track and ensure everyone knows their roles in achieving the desired outcome.

Step 5: Follow Up and Share Notes

Once the meeting is over, it’s important to follow up and share your notes with the attendees. Doing so will ensure everyone is aware of the decisions made and the action steps that need to be taken. Your team will appreciate the organized, thorough notes.

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