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Writing Notes on Facebook

It is possible to write notes on Facebook, via its Notes feature. Facebook Notes were designed to allow users to write longer posts and essays on various topics. Notes also provide a way to share written content with a larger audience than a user's own personal wall. However, it is important to keep in mind that Notes are no longer a primary feature of the Facebook platform.

Finding Your Old Notes on Facebook

If you have created Notes on Facebook in the past, you may be able to find them by navigating to the Activity log. This will include all activity from your main feed, including any Notes you have created over the years. You can also search for specific phrases contained within a particular Note by typing it in the main search bar.

Notes Alternatives

If you would like to start writing longer posts or essays, there are other platforms that can provide more features and functionality than Facebook Notes. Many people use blogging websites like WordPress and Tumblr for writing long-form content. Other popular apps in this space are Medium and Bear Writer. Every platform has different advantages and which one you pick depends on the type of content you plan to write.


Facebook Notes remain as a means to write longer posts, however they are no longer a prominent feature of the platform. Notes can be found using the Activity Log or the main search bar, as well as third-party search tools like Google. If you're looking for more options than Notes can offer, there are many popular platforms that provide features designed for longer posts and essays.

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