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How to Stop Dog Pee From Killing Grass

If your pet leaves behind yellow spots on your lawn, there are ways to address this issue and prevent it from occurring. Keeping your pet's pee off the grass will keep your lawn looking lush and green.

Here are a few steps you can take to prevent your pet's pee from killing your grass:

  • Increase the frequency of lawn watering. This will dilute the urinary salts, reducing burning effect.
  • Create a "dog bathroom" spot with gravel, mulch, or artificial grass specifically designed for dogs.
  • Consider pet diet changes. Some pet foods contain high concentrations of proteins, which can lead to increased uric acid output in your pet's urine.
  • Mobile toilet. Prevent pet access to certain lawn areas, by using a fence or mobile toilet.
  • Wear shoes. Train your pet to wear shoes during bathroom breaks in order to prevent urine spots on the grass.
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