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Speeding Up Songs on PC or Mac

If you're looking to liven up any song, speeding up the pace can be a great way to shake things up. Here's how to do it on PC or Mac.

How to Speed Up Songs on PC or Mac

  1. Open up your preferred media player program. You will need one that can play audio files.
  2. Import the song you plan to speed up to the program. If it's a file you have saved on your computer, navigate to its location and drag it over to the media player's main window.
  3. Once the song is loaded, find and access the program's speed adjustment controls. Usually, you can find this right at the top of the program window, or under a special 'playback speed' menu.
  4. Increase the playback speed to the desired number. Depending on the nature of the effect you're going for, this speed can vary anywhere from 1.25x to two times the original speed.
  5. Once you've chosen your number, the song should play at the new speed and pitch. If you've gone too far and the song sounds distorted, simply reduce the speed back down to a more reasonable level.
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