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Restoring a Computer to Factory Settings in Windows 7

If you're looking to restore your computer to its factory settings in Windows 7, here are a few simple steps to get you on track.


  1. Ensure all data is backed up: Prior to restarting your computer to the factory settings, it's important to ensure all of your important data is backed up. This is important as resetting your computer to its factory settings will delete all of the existing data on it.
  2. Restore to original factory settings: Restoring to Factory Settings can be done from the Advanced Boot Options menu. To do this, hit the "F8" key as your computer begins to boot. "Repair Your Computer" should be the last option, and choosing this will boot you into the System Recover Option. Selecting the System Recover Option will allow you to "restore" your computer to its original factory settings.
  3. Reinstall system files: Once the factory setting have been restored, you should reinstall any system files that may be missing or corrupted. These system files are critical for the proper function of your computer and the Windows operating system. Reinstalling these files will help ensure that your computer is running smoothly.
  4. Install Updates: After the reinstallation of system files, it's important to install any available software updates. The Windows 7 menu contains an option to check for updates and make sure your system is running with the most current and secure software.


  • Make sure to back up your data to a removable hard drive or another external device before resetting your computer to factory settings.
  • It is recommended to use the manufacturer's recovery tools to reset your computer, as opposed to using the Windows built-in recovery options.
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