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Ways to Respond when Someone Calls You Smart

Being called “smart” can be a powerful compliment, and your response to it can say a lot about who you are. Here are some ways to handle the situation gracefully:

  • Express appreciation. A simple “Thank you” is a nice way to acknowledge the comment.
  • Return the compliment. If someone else calls you “smart,” they likely appreciate it too. Acknowledging their intelligence in return is a great move.
  • Be humble. Too much boastfulness can be off-putting. Expressing your appreciation humbly and without too much self-aggrandizement is preferable.
  • Divert the compliment. Showing humility doesn’t mean you have to hide your strengths; instead, try to re-direct the conversation away from your abilities by showing recognition for someone else’s accomplishments.
  • Focus on the progress. Instead of accepting somebody’s judgement of your accomplishments, emphasize how far you’ve come and the work you’ve done to get there.

The key is to stay humble, be gracious, and show that you are appreciative of the compliment. Responding in this way to someone calling you “smart” can show that you have the emotional intelligence to take a compliment graciously and give recognition to others.

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