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How to Respond When Someone Breaks Up With You

Breakups can be difficult and devastating to work through. It's normal to feel a range of emotions in reaction to a breakup. It’s important to remember that you can always move forward, even when it may seem impossible.


  1. Stay pulled together. You might be tempted to give in to feelings of sadness or despair, but don’t let go of your composure. Get out of the house, take a breath of fresh air, get some exercise, or just take a hot shower. Even if the emotions seem overwhelming, you can and will make it through this.
  2. Allow yourself time to process the emotions. It’s natural to experience an array of emotions when broken up with. You may feel sadness, abandonment, guilt, anger, or confusion. It’s ok to take the time and space you need to work through both your emotions and your thoughts.
  3. Take care of yourself. Don’t make drastic decisions or take action in the first few days right after a break up. Make sure you take care of your basic needs: get enough sleep, eat well, and get some physical activity. Or, if you‘re feeling emotionally overwhelmed, practice some self-care such as meditation, yoga, listening to music, or writing your thoughts in a journal.
  4. Let yourself grieve. Even when you initiated the break up, mourning the relationship is still ok. It is the end of something, so take the time and space to fully process your emotions.Cry, yell, write about it, talk it out, whatever you need to do – let yourself grieve.
  5. Reach out. Talk to friends and family who can offer support and perspective if you need it. It’s ok to reach out to a professional such as a counsellor or psychiatrist if you need more help navigating through the emotions.
  6. Incorporate positive changes. Take steps to incorporate positive changes into your life. Take up a hobby, explore a new interest, develop healthy habits, or focus on your career. Do something that makes you feel empowered and good about yourself.
  7. Move forward. You are whole despite the breakup. It may take some time and effort, but remember that no matter what, you can and will move forward.
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