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Steps to Quit Roblox

Quitting Roblox can be a tough choice to make, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some steps to help you get started to quitting Roblox.

  • Understand why you are quitting. Make sure to identify the cause and be honest with yourself. Are you leaving Roblox because you are no longer enjoying it, or because you don’t want to be exposed to certain content? Have any experiences on Roblox been making you feel uncomfortable or unsafe? It’s important to understand why you’re taking the step to quit.
  • Make a plan. Once you understand why you’re quitting, plan out what you need to do. Set a deadline for when you will uninstall the game for good. If you find it difficult to say goodbye to friends, try getting their contact information. That way, you can keep in touch with them even when you’re not gaming.
  • Stay prepared. Remind yourself why you are quitting. Place reminders like post-it notes on your computer to remind yourself about why you’re leaving. It can also be helpful to write down a list of activities or pursuits that you would like to dedicate your time to.
  • Uninstall the game. As the date approaches, make sure you’re ready. Uninstall the game from whatever device you use, make sure to delete or disable your account.
  • Stay in touch with friends. Do not forget to communicate with your friends you've made in-game. You can stay in touch on other platforms, like social media.
  • Follow your interests. Dedicate your time to doing something you love, such as drawing, writing, and more. Do not be afraid to try new hobbies and invest your time in activities outside of gaming.

Quitting Roblox can be a difficult decision, but do not be afraid to take the step if you find it necessary. It is important to take the time to understand why you are quitting, as well as make a plan for what you will do with your newfound time.


Instructions for Quitting Roblox

Are you looking to quit Roblox? Follow these instructions to help make the process simpler!

  1. Log out from the Roblox app or website.
  2. Uninstall the Roblox app from your device if you downloaded it.
  3. Close your browser after uninstalling the app as well, as you may still be logged in.
  4. Change the password associated with your account to prevent further access.
  5. Visit the Roblox Account Status page to request that your account be deactivated.
  6. Indicate why you are deactivating your account.
  7. Acknowledge that you will no longer have access to items in your account.
  8. Confirm that you want to deactivate your account.

Once you’ve completed these steps, your account should have been deactivated and you should no longer have access to it. You can also contact Roblox customer service if you need help with the process.