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Tips for Passing an Alcohol Assessment

Alcohol assessments are important for many medical procedures and legal decisions, and can be serious and intimidating. Preparing for the assessment can help make sure you pass it successfully. Here are some tips for getting through the assessment successfully:

  • Be Honest – Honesty is important when it comes to alcohol assessments. Telling the truth is the only way to get an accurate assessment.
  • Be Prepared- Knowing the questions and what to expect ahead of time will help you approach the assessment better.
  • Understand Your Goals – Knowing the goals and purpose of the assessment will help you determine how to answer the questions.
  • Take Responsibility– Taking responsibility for your actions shows maturity and can help you pass the assessment.
  • Be Calm and Collected – Staying calm throughout the assessment will help you focus on answering the questions accurately.
  • Follow Up – Following up with the assessor or doctor after you take the assessment can help you understand the results of the assessment.
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