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Preparing Flaxseed Oil at Home

Flaxseed oil is a healthy alternative cooking oil with a wide variety of benefits. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acid and has numerous nutritional benefits. Follow these simple steps to prepare flaxseed oil at home.


  • Purchase high quality flaxseeds. It is important to get quality seeds to ensure the best possible oil. Find flaxseeds online or at natural health food stores.
  • Grind the flaxseeds into fine powder. Use a food processor, blender or coffee grinder for this purpose.
  • Put the grounded flaxseeds in a dark container and store it in a cool, dark and dry place.
  • Heat the container in a double boiler. Make sure the container does not boil or get too hot.
  • Stir the heated flaxseed powder continuously with a wooden spoon for about 15 minutes. You will start to see the oil released.
  • Allow the mixture to cool down. Strain it through a cheesecloth and strain it again until you have a clear liquid.
  • Transfer the liquid into a clean, dark bottle or jar with lid and store it in a cool, dark and dry place. It will be ready to use for up to 2 months.
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How to Prepare Flaxseed Oil at Home

Flaxseed oil can be a nutritious addition to your diet, and it is easy to make at home with minimal effort. With just a few ingredients, you can have delicious flaxseed oil ready in no time.


  1. Grind the flaxseeds or buy pre-ground flaxseed. You will need about a cup of flaxseed to make one cup of flaxseed oil.
  2. Put the flaxseed into a jar. Cover the flaxseed with cold-pressed sunflower oil. The ratio of flaxseed to oil should be 1:4.
  3. Seal the jar and place it in the refrigerator for two days.
  4. After two days, strain the oil mixture through a strainer lined with a cheesecloth to filter out the seeds.
  5. Transfer the strained oil to a clean glass jar. Seal it and store it in the refrigerator.


  • Store the oil in an airtight container for optimal freshness.
  • It is best to consume the oil within two to three weeks for the best flavor.
  • If desired, add spices, herbs or lemon juice to the oil blend for more flavor.
  • You can also mix the flaxseed oil with other vegetable oils or use it as a salad dressing.
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