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How to Ignore People Who Try to Pick on You

Dealing with people who pick on you can be difficult, but it is possible to make the experience less uncomfortable. Here are a few tips that can help you ignore people who are trying to pick on you:

  • Do not respond. People who are trying to pick on you will often use your reactions as fuel. Try to remain calm and keep your responses neutral. Refusing to engage or escalating the confrontation can often make the situation worse.
  • Speak up if necessary. Sometimes speaking up can be the best thing you can do to de-escalate a situation. Confront the bully, calmly and with poise. Speak politely and firmly, and be aware of your body language.
  • Walk away from the situation. If the situation is getting too heated, try to find an escape route. Distance yourself from the situation; walk away if you can, even if the person is following you. Usually, the more space you can create between you and the person, the better.
  • Find a support system. Connect with your friends or family members that support you and make you feel safe. If you don't have anyone around, try talking to a trusted adult or visit a website set up for people who are dealing with bullies.
  • Learn from the experience. People who are trying to pick on you are often trying to make themselves feel better by bringing other people down. Ignoring them gives them less of a reaction and shows them that their opinions of you don't matter. Try to take something positive from the situation.
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