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How to Get People to Pick up After Their Dog

No one likes to see dog mess on the sidewalk or in parks, but getting people to take responsibility for their dogs’ waste can be a daunting task. Although it's sometimes difficult to confront strangers about picking up after their dogs, there are a few strategies that may help you achieve the desired result. Follow these tips and you may find that more people are willing to dispose of their dog's waste properly.


  1. Educate yourself. Learn the relevant laws in your area pertaining to dog waste and the consequences for failing to pick up after a pet. You need to know what the penalties are so you can inform someone when necessary.
  2. Ask politely. Most people just don't think about picking up after their pets. If you kindly remind them, they might take better care of the problem in the future.
  3. Remain calm when approaching people about their pets. You can try simply asking, “Excuse me, did you forget to pick up after your dog?" If you keep your voice calm and friendly, they might apologize and scoop up the mess. Be prepared for a negative response, however, and don't stoop to arguments.
  4. Be patient. If all else fails, don't be afraid to contact your local law enforcement. Some countries and areas have laws requiring pet owners to pick up after their animals or face fines. The responsible party will receive a warning or a ticket and this should discourage them from leaving messes again.

Not everyone will take the time to properly dispose of their pet's waste, but spreading the word about the importance of doing so might help encourage people to think twice - and perhaps even take better care of their pet's mess.

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