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How to Get a Washing Machine to Spin Faster

If your washing machine's spin cycle isn't getting your clothes dry enough, its speed could be the problem. Whether your washing machine is top-loading or front-loading, here are some tips for increasing the spin speed and drying your clothes faster.

Step 1: Check Your Owners' Manual

Your owners' manual includes information on how to change your washing machine settings, or there may be a control panel that allows you to choose spin speed or spin cycle options.

Step 2: Clean the Drum

It's important to keep the drum clean and free of clothing debris, so it makes efficient contact with the water. Use a rag to clean the drum and wipe away any debris, then add your clothing and start the cycle. Debris will prevent clothes from drying quickly.

Step 3: Choose a Stronger Spin Cycle

Look for a strong spin cycle on your machine. This will spin the clothes faster and usually takes less time with greater energy efficiency. It's generally better for the clothes and the machine as well.

Step 4: Balance the Load

Uneven weight distribution will cause lopsided spinning, which slows down the spin cycle. Make sure your clothes are even distributed in the drum and move any heavy items to another side to create a better balance in the machine.

Step 5: Check and Clean the Water Pump

The water pump helps move the water from the drum during the rinse cycle; it can become clogged over time. Most models have a filter on the pump that should be checked every so often. If you find debris, clean out the filter and the water pump with a cloth.

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