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How to Get Your Boyfriend to Hold Hands With You Again

Holding hands with your partner is a subtle way of affirming mutual love and affection. It can also be a great bonding experience between romantic partners. But if your boyfriend has stopped holding your hand out of the blue, it can be disappointing. Here are some tips for getting him to hold hands with you again:

Step 1: Speak to Your Partner

Start by asking your partner why he has stopped holding your hand. Understand the root cause behind why he may be feeling reluctant to do so. Finding out what the issue is will help you both work towards a solution.

Step 2: Show Your Partner Affection

Couples often resort to holding hands when they are feeling affectionate towards each other. Spend more time hugging and kissing your partner, or whisper sweet nothings in each other’s ears for a more romantic setting.

Step 3: Take Things Slow

Start slowly and don’t rush into holding hands. Reach out and touch your partner’s arm when you’re conversing, or sit close to each other on the sofa. Your partner may be more likely to reciprocate these gestures and eventually take your hand.

Step 4: Acknowledge His Needs

Be mindful of how your partner feels and remember that everyone has different comfort levels when it comes to physical intimacy. If he’s still not comfortable with the idea of holding hands, respect his needs and do not try to force the issue.

Step 5: Be Patient

It can take time for your partner to warm up to the idea of holding hands with you again. Show him that you are understanding and patient while giving him some space and time to make up his mind.

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