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How to Get People to Leave You Alone

It can be difficult to know how to handle a situation when people won't respect your need for space or keep intruding. If someone won't take "no" for an answer or keeps pushing for more from you than you're willing or able to give, use the steps below to make it clear that you want to be left alone.

1. Be Assertive

Be calm and firm when you tell the person that you want your space. Avoid using shouting, aggression, or sarcasm as they are unlikely to be effective, and might even make the person feel defensive, which will make it harder for them to listen to you.

2. Set Your Boundaries

Let the person know what behavior is acceptable and what’s off-limits. For example, you could say, ‘I don’t like it when you call me late at night. Please don’t do that anymore.’

3. Don’t Respond to Prodding

If the person persists in asking you something you’ve already said ‘no’ to, or keeps trying to get information from you, don’t respond. By not responding, you’ll reinforce your boundary.

4. Be Prepared to Leave

If the person continues to cross your boundaries, be prepared to remove yourself from the situation. This could mean literally walking away or it could mean hanging up the phone. Don’t feel guilty about it – you have the right to protect your space and peace of mind.

5. Ask for Support

If the person continues to intrude even after you’ve set your boundaries, it could be helpful to reach out to friends or family members to help you in upholding your limits. Ask them to help you maintain your boundaries or you may even want to ask them to intervene if necessary.

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