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How to Get Even

Getting even can provide an emotional release you need to move on, but confronting someone can be difficult or even dangerous. If you’re looking for a way to get even without resorting to physical violence, here are some tips to help you take back your power.

Things You'll Need

  • Creativity
  • Patience
  • A positive outlook


  1. Know your limits. Feel empowered, but be conscious of the law and your safety. Getting even with someone in a constructive way doesn’t give you license to break the law.
  2. Face the person. If you’re able to confront the person on your own, you may be able to move on quickly. This works best if the person has wronged you in a minor way and you can calmly let her know why her actions were wrong and how they impacted you.
  3. Communicate through writing. Depending on the situation, your best bet may be to communicate through writing. You can express your feelings with clarity and the person will have time to consider your words.
  4. Let go of anger. Instead of letting anger fuel your actions, use a more constructive emotion, like love, to help you better handle the situation. Realize that the person’s a human being just like you and isn’t perfect.
  5. Punish kindly. Punish behavior, not people. If the person doesn’t realize he’s done something wrong, he may repeat the same mistake and your efforts will be wasted.
  6. Go out and have fun. Instead of dwelling on the wrong that’s been done to you, go out and have some fun. The best revengeis being successful and happy.
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