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Flirting with “Shut Up”

Being flirty can turn an otherwise hostile conversation into a fun one, and responding to “shut up” with a playful retort is a great way to do that. There’s a hint of a challenge in this response, and it can be very attractive as well. Here are a few ideas for playful yet flattering flirting responses to “shut up” whether you’re talking in person or over text.

In Person Flirty Responses to “Shut Up”

  • “But I've been waiting all day for you to talk to me.”
  • “Listen to you? No, I'd much rather kiss you.”
  • “I'm not sure I can do that. How about I kiss you instead?”
  • “Oh, I'm definitely not going to shut up anytime soon.”
  • “I'll tell you what. Let's kiss and make up instead.”
  • “I don't think I can do that, but I'm sure I can give you a hug.”

Over Text Flirty Responses to “Shut Up”

  • “Sorry, but I can't do that. How about we kiss and make up instead?”
  • “We could *both* be quiet together? ;)”
  • “No, but I'll make it up to you…wink, wink.”
  • “Oh, and what do you suggest I do instead?”
  • “Well, why don't you kiss me and make it up to me?”
  • “If I had to choose between talking and kissing, I'd choose kissing.”
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