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How to Dehydrate Sweet Potatoes

Dehydrated sweet potatoes can be stored for long periods, and make a great addition to a wide variety of dishes. Read on to learn how you can easily dry sweet potatoes in five easy steps.

Step 1: Prepare the Sweet Potatoes for Drying

Wash the sweet potatoes well and peel them if desired. Slice the sweet potatoes into rounds. Pieces should be sliced uniformly to ensure they dry at the same rate.

Step 2: Blanch the Sweet Potatoes

Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add the sliced sweet potatoes for 2-3 minutes, then transfer them into a colander. Remove the colander from the hot water and allow the slices to cool before proceeding.

Step 3: Dry the Sweet Potato Slices

Pat the sweet potato slices with a clean dish cloth or paper towels to remove any excess moisture. Place the slices onto a dehydrator’s non-stick tray or mesh screen and arrange them in a single layer.

Step 4: Set the Dehydrator

Set the dehydrator temperature to 125°F. Allow for 8-10 hours of drying time, periodically checking the slices for desired crunchiness.

Step 5: Store the Dehydrated Sweet Potatoes

When the sweet potatoes are sufficiently dry and crumbly, remove them from the dehydrator and store in an air-tight container or seal in a resealable bag. Stored properly, dehydrated sweet potatoes can remain for up to a year.

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