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Dealing With a Long Vacation Car Ride (for Teens)

Traveling can be dragged out and boring, especially if you're stuck in a car for a long period of time. As a teen, paying attention to the long stretches of the highway can be difficult. Here are a few tips to make your road trip more enjoyable:

  • Bring activities to keep your hands and mind busy, such as coloring books, travel versions of favorite board games, and books or magazines
  • Invest in audiobooks or podcasts that will give you something interesting to listen to
  • Create a road trip playlist of some of your favorite music
  • Take frequent breaks. Not only will this help you avoid getting carsick, but it can give you a chance to stretch and get some fresh air
  • Make the most out of the ride by playing car games, such as I Spy or Twenty Questions
  • If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, consider a surprise destination!

A long car ride doesn’t have to spell disaster. With the right preparation and attitude, you can make the most of your vacation and have an enjoyable ride.

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