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How to Convince Your Landlord to Accept Your Cat

If you're a cat lover but your landlord has a strict "no pets" policy, fear not. With a bit of effort and some convincing, you can still adopt a new furry family member.

To get your landlord to accept your cat, follow these steps:

  1. Research your landlord's local laws. Landlords must comply with state and local laws regarding pets, so remind them of this and keep informed of any rules they must follow.
  2. Heavy clean-up before bringing the cat. Make sure there is no pet hair anywhere in the rental, as well as a litter box that is kept clean at all times.
  3. Purchase a pet deposit fee if it’s required. Some landlords require fees as a form of insurance in case the pet damages any of the property.
  4. Promise to keep the cat indoors. Show landlords that the cat will stay inside and not bother anyone outside of the home.
  5. Get a reference letter from people who have known you and your cat. Having a few accolades from previous landlords may help convince the landlord that you’re a responsible pet owner.
  6. Make sure you are abiding by the landlord’s rules. Show them that you take care of the property and respect their decision to allow you to keep the cat.

It may take some convincing, but if you follow these simple steps, your landlord may finally give a purr-fect 'yes' to your new cat.

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