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How to Control Your Pets in The Sims 4

Pets are a fun addition to The Sims 4, but controlling them takes some skill. Taking the time to learn how to control your pets will give you the tools you need to manage them effectively. Here are some tips to help you do just that.

  • Issue Commands – Getting started with your pet is as easy as issuing commands. Double-click on your pet and use the “Issue Command” interaction to give them instructions. Commands like “Go Here” and “Stay” can help you keep your pet in one area of the house, or help send them out of the room.
  • Train Your Pet – Training your pet will give you greater control over how they behave. You can train your pet to stay, come, hunt, dig, fetch, and more. Give your pet rewards whenever they complete a task, or fail a task, to encourage them to learn quickly.
  • Discipline Your Pet – When your pet has done something wrong, discipline them with a stern voice or tap on the muzzle. This will show them what behavior you expect and help them learn to stay within those boundaries.
  • Set Boundaries – Establishing boundaries for your pet will make sure they don’t wander too far. You can do this by setting a play area, a bed area, or by using leashes and/or pens.
  • Monitor Your Pet – It’s important to keep an eye on your pet at all times. Make sure you’re watching what they’re doing and where they’re going, as this will help you identify any bad behavior that they might be engaging in.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to effectively control your pet and ensure that their behavior is appropriate. Taking the time to truly understand your pet and how to control them will give you the confidence you need to ensure they’re well behaved.

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