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Prevent Electrical Shock By Following These Steps

Every year, thousands of people suffer from electric shock and electric burns, causing a range of injuries from mild to severe. Taking steps to reduce your risk of electric shock can save you from a painful injury.


  • Always unplug appliances before servicing them.
  • Keep cords and cables away from wet surfaces.
  • Inspect cords regularly for signs of wear and tear.
  • Avoid using frayed, defective, or otherwise damaged cords.
  • Use safety caps to cover outlets when not in use.
  • Keep your hands away from outlets.
  • Never touch electrical equipment with wet hands.
  • Avoid using portable electric equipment outdoors during rain or snow.
  • Turn off electrical items when not in use.
  • Be aware of hazards before you plug in a new device.
  • Be sure to turn off all equipment when leaving the house or building.
  • Ensure you are using the right type of extension cords and that they are properly wired.

By following these steps, you can make sure to practice safety while using and working with electricity, and help prevent electric shock and electric burns.

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Preventing Electrical Shocks

Electrical shocks can cause serious harm—even death—and should be avoided at all costs. To prevent electrical shocks, you can take a few precautions.


  • Check the cords –Look for any broken, frayed, or loose lines to the appliance or wall socket. Do not use any device with frayed or broken cords, or cords with exposed wiring. If in doubt have an electrician inspect the appliance.
  • Inspect the plug – Make sure the plug is intact and looks secure with no frayed wires or loose connections.
  • Water and electricity don't mix –Never use any electrical devices or appliances near water. If an appliance has been submerged in water, do not attempt to repair or use it. Have an electrician inspect and repair the device.
  • Use caution with extension cords – When using extension cords, make sure you have an appropriate cord rating for the device being used and that the cord isn't damaged. Never use more than one extension cord at a time.
  • Be aware of your surroundings –Be mindful of your body and watch for any objects that can possibly come into contact with electrical devices and cause electric shock. Don't touch appliances that are operating or plugged in.
  • Look for ground fault circuit interrupters(GFCIs) –GFCIs are designed to protect against shock. Make sure that electrical outlets in areas such as kitchens and bathrooms are protected by GFCIs.

These are a few ways to prevent electrical shocks. If you ever have any doubt about the safety of any electrical device, have an electrician inspect it and make sure it is safe to use.

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