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How to Buy a House in Probate: From Finding to Closing

Purchasing a house in probate is a great way to find an affordable property. However, achieving success in this endeavor requires understanding of the process, including how to go about finding and making an offer on probate property, and also how to actually close on the house.

Step One: Discovering Probate Property

Before you begin the process of purchasing a house in probate, you should take some time to understand how the process works. In some states, probate only occurs if the deceased person owned property that had not been transferred before passing away. In other states, all property will need to go through probate, regardless of whether it had been transferred. Once the court officially opens the probate case, it will often become a part of public record.

The best way to discover if probate is needed and whether a house is being sold is to contact the local courthouse, or look for notices in the county newspaper. You can also work with a real estate agent, or search online for probate properties.

Step Two: Making an Offer

Once you have identified the probate property you would like to purchase, you will need to make an offer for the house. The offer will typically be presented to the personal representative of the estate, or the court itself. When making an offer, you should consider the estate's current financial situation and offer a price that you are willing to pay, and can afford.

When making an offer on probate property, you may also need to include a signed purchase agreement with the offer. This ensures that everything will be documented and should include all the details of the offer including the purchase price, closing costs, and inspection deadlines.

Step Three: Closing

Once the offer on the probate property has been accepted, the closing process can begin. This is the same as any other home purchase and will require both parties to sign documents related to the transfer of ownership. When this is completed, the house will be officially sold and title will transfer to you.


Purchasing a house in probate can be an excellent way to acquire an affordable home. By understanding the probate process and the steps involved in purchasing a property, such as finding the property, making an offer, and closing the transaction, you can successfully purchase a probate house and make it your own.

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How to Buy a House in Probate: From Finding to Closing

Buying a house in probate can be a great opportunity for many house hunters. Estate sales, or buying a property from a probate proceeding, tends to be much cheaper than buying a newly built or previously occupied home. However, the process can be a bit more complicated than a typical home purchase. If you’re interested in buying a house in probate, here are a few tips.

Step 1: Finding a House in Probate

  • Check newspapers and online real estate forums for available properties.
  • Research court records to find out when upcoming probate proceedings will begin.
  • Network with local attorneys, real estate agents, estate executors, and probate clerks to find out about potential probate listings.

Step 2: Making an Offer

  • Contact the estate executor if you find a property with an estate sale advertisement.
  • If there is no executor listed, contact the court clerk to find out who is responsible for the estate, and how to contact them.
  • Once you’ve located the executor or court designated estate representative, make an offer for the house.
  • Be aware that all offers must go through the court in order to be accepted.

Step 3: Completing Probate Procedures

  • Check the court clerk’s office for any accountings or reports filed by the estate executor.
  • Contact the estate executor and ensure they are preparing a petition to approve the sale.
  • Confirm that the executor has submitted any required documentation to the court.
  • Attend any hearings and answer questions posed by the court.

Step 4: Finalizing the Sale

  • Wait for the court to approve the sale. The court clerk will take care of this on behalf of the estate.
  • Schedule the closing, and submit payment to the executor or estate attorney designated by the court.
  • Obtain the deed and title, which are handled by the estate inside out and are available as soon as the sale is accepted.
  • Purchase title insurance for peace of mind.
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Buying a House in Probate: From Finding to Closing

Buying a house in probate is a unique process, and requires special consideration and preparation. From understanding the legal process to finding and closing on a probate property, below is an overview of what you need to know.

Steps for Buying a Probate Property

  1. Familiarize yourself with the probate process.
  2. Find a probate property to purchase.
  3. Find an experienced realtor for your purchase.
  4. Research the property carefully.
  5. Fulfill your legal and fiduciary duties.
  6. Submit a fair offer to the executor.
  7. Expect additional delays
  8. Finalize the purchase.

1. Familiarize Yourself with the Probate Process

The probate process is the legal process by which property is divided and distributed after someone dies. Depending on the value and complexity of the estate, and the specific laws of your state, the probate process can take months or even years. Be sure to read up on the probate process in your state to understand what to expect.

2. Find a Probate Property to Purchase

If you’re interested in buying a probate property, begin by searching for properties that are in probate, typically in the public records. Look for notices in the town or county clerk's office, or talk to attorneys who specialize in probate law. You can also search online for listings of probate properties.

3. Find an Experienced Realtor for Your Purchase

Your next step should be to find a knowledgeable and experienced realtor to help you find and purchase the probate property. A good realtor will have a deep understanding of the probate process and will be able to advise you throughout and guide you through the process.

4. Research the Property Carefully

Before making an offer on a property, research the house thoroughly. As part of the probate process, the executor should have already completed an inventory of the assets of the estate. Do a title search to make sure the ownership of the property is clear. You should also inspect the property and order a home inspection or any other reports that will help you make sure you are getting a good value for your purchase.

5. Fulfill Your Legal and Fiduciary Duties

If you purchase a probate property, you are also taking on the role of trustee. As trustee, you have legal and fiduciary duties to the beneficiaries of the estate. This includes ensuring that you purchase the property at fair market value and manage investors' funds responsibly. It is important that you understand these obligations and fulfill them to the best of your ability.

6. Submit a Fair Offer to the Executor

Once you have completed your research, submit a fair offer to the executor of the estate. Keep in mind that the executor is responsible for ensuring that the assets of the estate are divided and distributed fairly. It is not their job to get top dollar for the property, so don't be surprised if your initial offer is rejected.

7. Expect Additional Delays

Buying a probate property can take longer than other real estate transactions. In addition to the probate process, the executor must adhere to a number of legal and fiduciary duties which can affect the timing of the transaction. You should be prepared for possible delays and adjust your timeline accordingly.

8. Finalize the Purchase

Once all of the paperwork is in order and the executor has accepted your offer, it's time to finalize the purchase. Your realtor should be able to help you navigate the title transfer, closing process and other details to make sure everything is successful and in line with the requirements of the probate process. After closing, you will be the proud owner of your new home!

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