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How to Click Train Your Dog

Clicker training is an effective way to train your dog. Rewards-based training methods such as this are easy to learn and can be fun for both you and your pet.


  1. Purchase a clicker or use a whistle. If using a clicker, make sure you look for one with a special "split ring" to attach to your keys or a lanyard.
  2. Attach the clicker to your lanyard or keys. Sound the clicker and reward your dog with a treat each time it responds to the click.
  3. Get your pet to understand that a response to the click means getting a reward. Once it does this, you can teach your pet to follow commands.
  4. Work your way up from easy commands (e.g. a target stick) to more complex ones such as "lie down," "come," or "fetch."
  5. Keep each training session short and end on a positive note. Praise your dog for following commands correctly and reward it with a treat.
  6. Once your dog has mastered commands, only give it a reward for performing tasks immediately and consistently. This will help to reinforce good behaviour.
  7. With practice, your dog will be able to perform a variety of commands with the click of a button or whistle.
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How to Clicker Train Your Dog

Clicker training is a fun, simple way to help train your beloved pup, and can help strengthen the bond between the two of you. Here are a few steps to help you clicker train your pup:

  1. Choose a clicker. A clicker should have a clearly audible sound, and be easily operated by one hand.
  2. Pair the clicker with a treat. This treat could be anything that your dog loves, like a small piece of cooked chicken or cheese.
  3. Decide on the behavior you want your dog to perform. This could be something small like sit, stay, or shake paws. A trick can also be clicker trained, such as spin or roll over.
  4. Start by clicking and immediately following with the treat. Repeat this process several times, so that your pup learns the noise of the clicker is associated with getting a treat.
  5. Slowly begin to add a verbal command. Say the command and then click and treat once your pup performs the desired behavior.
  6. Once your pup knows the desired behavior, begin adding the clicker with an associated hand signal. You can teach extra behaviors with different clicker and/or verbal commands.
  7. Continue practicing and rewarding your pup for the desired behavior. Clicker training should be like a game for your pup, forming positive associations with every successful attempt.

With patience and a consistent training routine, your pup will be a pro at clicker training in no time!

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Clicker Training Your Dog: A Step By Step Guide

Clicker training is a popular and effective way to train any pup. The process is simple and straightforward. With a bit of dedication and consistency, you can be an expert in no time. Here is a step-by-step guide to clicker training your pup:

Step 1: Introduce the Clicker

The very first step is to familiarize your pup with the sound of the clicker. This will form the foundation of the clicker training process. Start by holding the clicker in your hand and then clicking it without doing anything else. Whenever you click, don’t forget to give your pup a treat. This way, your pup will associate the sound of the clicker with a reward.

Step 2: Establish the Target Behavior

After introducing the clicker, you need to decide on the behavior you want your pup to learn. Remember to pick a specific behavior and keep it simple. This makes the training process a lot easier for your pup to understand. Perhaps you want your pup to sit, stand or lay down. It’s important to break down this behavior into small steps.

Step 3: Positive Reinforcement

Now it’s time to start encouraging the desired behavior you’ve established in step two. As soon as your pup shows signs of the behavior, click your clicker and give them a treat. Do this over and over until your pup understands what you expect of them. Be patient and consistent. Be sure to reward your pup with a treat after every successful behavior.

Step 4: Catch It When You Can

As your pup improves with each session, your pup will be more aware and willing to do the behavior. You can capitalize on their alertness and willingness to please you, by clicking their clicker when they show signs of the desired behavior. This will reward them further and reinforce the behavior in their minds.

Step 5: Move Onto New Behaviors

Once your pup has mastered the behaviors you established in step two, you can gradually move on to more complex behaviors. Gradual training is key for reinforcing new behaviors in your pup’s mind. Encourage them steadily and ensure they’re properly rewarded with treats or positive reinforcement so they don’t get overwhelmed.


Clicker training your pup is an effective and rewarding process. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure your pup learns how to reach the desired behavior in no time. Remember to be patient and consistent with your pup, and don’t forget to reward them after every successful behavior.

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