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Tips on How to Text Message Someone You Like

Texting someone you like is a great way to express your interest and show your care. Here are some tips to keep in mind when sending a message:

  • Be sure to have a conversation-starter in mind before you begin. Focus on common interests and ask questions to keep the conversation going.
  • Keep it short and sweet. Long messages can be overwhelming for the recipient and can take away from the conversation.
  • Be mindful of timing. Choose a time when you both have time to text and when it won't seem like you're interrupting them.
  • Proofread your texts before sending. Autocorrect can add humor to conversations, but can also embarrass you if it changes a word you didn't expect.
  • Be authentic and let your personality shine. The other person may like you for it, so don't be afraid to be yourself.
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How to Text Message Someone You Like

Are you wanting to reach out to someone you like and don’t know where to start? Text messaging can be a great way to break the ice and get the conversation flowing. Read on for some tips for starting a text conversation with someone you like.


  • Keep it casual – You don’t want to come off too strong in your first text, so stick to casual topics like mentioning a class you have together or talking about a shared interest.
  • Be honest – Whether you’re trying to gain the attention of a crush or just want to start a conversation, always make sure your messages are honest and true.
  • Show interest – Ask questions about the person and their interests to show that you’re paying attention and interested in getting to know them.
  • Be positive – Rather than focusing on problems, try to stay positive in your messages and focus on what’s going right or the brighter side of a situation.
  • Keep it light – Avoid heavy or controversial topics like politics or religion, as it could turn the conversation awkward or potentially off-putting.

Following these tips can make sure your conversation is smooth and enjoyable. With a few guidelines for talking to someone you like, you can be off to a great start in building a meaningful connection.

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How to Text Message Someone You Like

Before you text someone you like, remember that timing and saying the right thing is important. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you navigate your text messages carefully and make a positive impression!

  • Start with a casual "hello". It’s important to open with something friendly and easy-going. You can say something like, "Hey, how’s it going?" or even just "Hi!"
  • Be sure your content is appropriate. If you’re feeling flirty, use lighthearted jokes and funny lines, but refrain from saying anything too cheesy or overly flirtatious. No one likes to be made to feel uncomfortable when texting.
  • Be genuine. No one likes feeling as though they’re talking to a robotic version of you. Instead, be yourself and show them your personality through genuine conversation. This will allow them to connect with you more meaningfully.
  • Follow up on the conversation. After your initial “hello”, you can ask questions or build on ideas the person has already shared with you. This is a great way to keep the conversation going and build a connection.
  • Be conscious and respectful of their time. No one enjoys feeling as though they’re being ignored or taken advantage of. Be considerate of their time by responding in a timely fashion.
  • Use proper grammar. Proper grammar and spelling can go a long way, so make sure you’re using both when texting someone you like. This will help to keep the conversation flowing and make a positive impression.

By following these tips, you can confidently start a text conversation and make a great impression on someone you like!

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Tips on How to Text Message Someone You Like

Are you eager to start texting someone you like, but don't know where to start? Follow these steps to make a great impression with your messages:

  • Make sure it's the right time to message. Don't send a text at an odd hour, or when you know they're busy.
  • Start the conversation by wishing them a good morning/afternoon/evening depending on when you choose to text.
  • Keep conversations light and playful by making jokes or sending funny GIFs and memes.
  • Ask questions to get to know them better and keep the conversation flowing.
  • End conversations on a high note or with a call to action like a remark on making plans to meet up soon.
  • Avoid sending too many messages as this could come off as desperate or clingy.
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