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How to Add ICE to Your Cell Phone

The acronym ICE stands for “in case of emergency” and adding it to your cell phone will help emergency responders contact your loved ones in the event of an emergency. Taking a few moments to add ICE to your cell phone will provide some peace of mind should an unexpected situation arise.


  • Log in to your device’s contact list and create a new contact.
  • Label the contact “ICE”.
  • Enter the names, titles, and contact numbers of the people who should be contacted in case of an emergency.
  • Save the contact in your device.
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Here’s How to Add ICE to Your Cell Phone:

In case of an unexpected medical, psychological, or legal emergency, establishing a list of ICE contacts in your cell phone phonebook can make it much easier for authorities and medical personnel to contact your loved ones. Here are the steps for adding ICE to your phone.

  • Identify your ICE contacts. These should include at least one family member and a close friend. Your ICE contacts should be people who you trust and who would be comfortable being contacted in such an emergency.
  • Enter your ICE contacts' information in your phonebook. Make sure to include full names and phone numbers. Consider storing more than one number for each contact, such as a home phone, work phone, and mobile phone.
  • Label your ICE contacts. Many people label their ICE contacts as "ICE- Mom," "ICE-Brother," or "ICE-Dad," etc. This will ensure that your contacts are easily identifiable during an emergency.
  • Update your ICE list as needed. Make sure to change your ICE contacts if your relationships change or you acquire new information.

It’s a good idea to check and update your ICE list periodically. Doing this can ensure that your contacts are reachable if needed and will also keep your ICE list up to date. With a well-prepared list of ICE contacts, you can rest assured that your loved ones will be contacted in an emergency.

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Adding ICE to Your Cell Phone

Adding ICE (In Case of Emergency information) to your cell phone can be a lifesaver. You can easily provide critical contact information to first responders or medical personnel in any emergency, while also allowing your family and friends to be quickly located. Here's how you can add ICE to your phone:

  1. Open the contacts list on your cell phone and select “New Contact”.
  2. Enter the name “ICE - Emergency Contact”, and fill in the contact information for your most critical emergency contact. This should include name, mobile number, alternate number, and any other relevant contact information.
  3. Save the information and move it to the top of the contacts list, so it’s easy to find at a glance.
  4. Repeat these steps for any additional people you want to list under the ICE contact.
  5. Once all of the contact information is saved, add this contact to your phone's emergency call list. This will allow you to access contact information quickly in the event of an emergency.
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Adding ICE to Your Cell Phone

In the event of an emergency, it’s important to be able to communicate quickly with the medical professionals who are providing help. That’s why it’s important to add In Case of Emergency (ICE) contacts to your cell phone. ICE contacts can include the contact information of a friend or family member that a medical professional can contact in the event of an emergency.


  1. On the main menu of your phone, select ‘Contacts’ or ‘Address Book’.
  2. Once on the Contacts, select ‘+Create New Contact’.
  3. When prompted, enter the name, relationship, and phone number of the person you would like to add as an ICE contact.
  4. For easy recognition in an emergency, enter the person’s name as ICE (initials).
  5. Provide any addition information such as medications, allergies, or important medical conditions for the medical professional to be aware of.
  6. Save the data.
  7. Repeat the process for additional ICE contacts.
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