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How To Write a Photography Critique

Whether you want to gain meaningful insight into the work of a favorite photographer or practice your own photography skills, writing a photography critique can be a great way to stay current in the art world. Here are some tips on how to effectively review photography.

Understand the Genre of the Photography

Each genre of photography has its own unique style, techniques, and even its own language. Take the time to become familiar with the genre and critique the photographer through the lens of their intended style, goal, and ethos.

Identify Strengths and Weaknesses

Any good critique should discuss both the positive and negative aspects of the photograph. With any negative comments you make, make sure to provide constructive advice describing ways they could improve on their weaknesses. Examples of strengths to consider when assessing a photo include its composition, use of light and shadow, technical aspects, and originality.

Comment on the Content

Think about how the subject of the photograph relates to the genre, viewer, and the photographer’s concept. Specify if you think the photographer has successfully conveyed a particular emotion or mood. Good questions to help you consider the content of the photograph include:

  • What is the purpose of the image?
  • Is the subject appropriate for the genre or audience?
  • Is there evidence of the photographer’s intent in the image?
  • What impact does the image have?

Compare the Photographs in a Series

Sometimes, photographers present a series of photos long a certain theme or idea. To review a series of photographs, look for similarities and differences between the images, such as color, composition, and subject. Consider if an image stands out if a part of the series is particularly strong and warrants a special mention.

Keep Your Opinions Objective

Remember that a photography critique should be an informed opinion rather than a subjective judgement. An informed opinion should be based on your knowledge of the genre and other photographers’ work. When formulating a critique, try to lay out your opinions in an organized, concise manner, and be sure to reference historical or technological precedents that inform your opinion.

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