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Responding to an Apology via Text:

A sincere apology can repair a broken relationship and rebuild trust. When you receive an apology via text, it’s important to acknowledge your feelings and express appreciation of the apology. Use these steps to show your appreciation and heal the relationship:

  • Acknowledge and validate your feelings. Before you respond, take time to resonate with the apology. It’s ok to spend some time recognizing how the situation made you feel.
  • Express appreciation. Text your response centred around appreciation for their recognition of the mistake and apology.
  • Forgive and move on. Forgiveness takes time. You don’t have to move on immediately, but it is important to allow yourself to start the healing process.
  • If appropriate, work towards a resolution. Once you and the other person are both in a space of understanding, you can work together to make a plan for improvement.
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