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Tips For Talking With Someone Who Doesn't Speak Your Language

Talking with someone who doesn't speak your language can sometimes feel daunting. But, with a few simple strategies, you can have a meaningful conversation and connect in a positive way.

  • Use body language. Gestures help you bypass the language barrier if words fail. For example, a smile and a hug, or a nod of understanding, can be helpful.
  • Try to use simple words and visual images to communicate more effectively. Pointing to pictures or objects, or drawing a picture of what you are trying to say, can be great ways to show what you mean.
  • Write down key words or phrases. Writing down words or phrases from your native language, especially those regarding emotions, can make it easier to connect and show understanding.
  • Be patient and positive. Showing patience and understanding during the conversation can make both of you feel more comfortable.
  • Have fun. Try to make the conversation playful and relaxed. Using informal language and humor can help bring about an enjoyable conversation.
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