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Cooking with Rosemary

The earthy flavor of rosemary works especially well with herbs, including oregano, parsley, basil or thyme, to form an aromatic and flavorful combination — perfect for use in cooking. Try rosemary in these delicious recipes:

  • Toss rosemary into pasta sauces or omelettes.
  • Infuse olive oil with rosemary to use in dressings and marinades.
  • Mix balsamic vinegar with rosemary for a delicious dipping sauce.
  • Add rosemary and garlic to roasted vegetables to make a simple, savory side dish.
  • Mix rosemary into breadcrumbs to give fish and pork dishes an umami flavor.
  • Sprinkle fresh rosemary into soups and stews to bring depth of flavor.
  • Stir rosemary into mashed potatoes for a luxurious addition to the dinner table.
  • Mix rosemary into a white sauce to give it an extra flavor hit.
  • Toss some rosemary into your favorite pizza topping to make a herbacious treat.
  • Garnish a creamy mac and cheese with rosemary for a unique twist.

Incorporating Rosemary into Drinks & More

Rosemary isn't just for cooking — it's also an excellent addition to drinks and other treats. Consider rosemary for any of the following recipes:

  • Make rosemary-infused simple syrup for all of your favorite drinks.
  • Add rosemary to hot apple cider for a fragrant winter drink.
  • Mix rosemary into ice cream for an herbacious sweet treat.
  • Drop a few sprigs of rosemary into a gin and tonic for an extra botanical flavor.
  • Toss rosemary leaves into a green salad to give it some extra oomph.
  • Create rosemary-infused honey for an unique topping on cheeses and charcuterie boards.
  • Muddle rosemary into a mojito for a botanical twist on the classic Cuban cocktail.
  • Brew rosemary tea for an herbal kick in the afternoon.
  • Create fragrant rosemary-infused sugar, perfect for baking.
  • Make rosemary simple syrup to add to your favorite dessert or coffee drink.
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