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Dealing with Poverty and Unemployment

Despite our best efforts, poverty and unemployment can be a reality for some individuals and families. The good news is that there are a number of steps you can take to manage poverty and unemployment and out of it, become financially stable. Follow these steps to get help and learn how to manage poverty and unemployment.


  • Seek out assistance programs. Research resources and benefits available from both government and non-profit organizations. There are many that are available for those in need. Contact one or more to find out what help is available to you.
  • Start budgeting. It's difficult to make ends meet when you are struggling financially. Put together a household budget to get a detailed look at your income and expenses. Then look for ways to reduce spending or increase income.
  • Look for job opportunities. Consider different types of employment, part-time or seasonal gigs, working from home, or volunteering to gain experience. Attend a job fair to network, search online, and reach out to family and friends.
  • Stay connected. Keeping updated with family, friends, and your community helps in tackling the struggle that is unemployment and poverty. Reach out for help and continue to stay connected.
  • Strengthen your skills. Consider taking free classes online or joining a vocational training program or apprenticeship program to help boost your skills and make yourself more attractive to employers in the future.
  • Maintain a positive attitude. This can be difficult under trying circumstances but it can go a long way to helping you cope with poverty and unemployment. Taking care of your mental health and remaining positive can help you stay motivated and persevere until a better financial situation is achieved.
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