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How to Feel Better When You're on a Break from Your Boyfriend

Taking a break from something or someone you care about can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be all bad. There are lots of things you can do to help make taking a break a positive and restorative experience.

Step 1: Give yourself time to think

Take a few moments to reflect on the reasons why you and your boyfriend decided to take a break. The pause in the relationship can be an opportunity to gain clarity and perspective.

Step 2: Create some “me” time

When you are on a break from your relationship, try to focus on your own self-care. Find ways to relax and connect with your own needs. Go for a long walk, read that book you have been wanting to read, or just take some time out for yourself.

Step 3: Connect with friends and family

Friendships are incredibly important! The people in your life can be a great source of support, comfort, and distraction. Spend time with people who lift you up, make you laugh, and remind you of all the other wonderful things in your life.

Step 4: Journal

Writing can be a great way to express your thoughts and feelings. Make time to write down your thoughts and reflections, and use writing as a way to work through your emotions.

Step 5: Treat yourself

Doing something for yourself can be incredibly rewarding. Pamper yourself with a manicure, go to the movies, or head out to for a nice dinner.It can be a great way to make you feel good and boost your self-confidence.

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