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Exercising the Right side of Your Brain

Exercising your brain is essential for keeping those mental juices flowing and keeping your cognitive functions in check. For those looking to stimulate the right side of their brain, there are myriad exercises that can help.

Exercises to Stimulate the Right Side of Your Brain

  • Creative writing – Taking time to write in a journal or a blog is a great way to get the creative juices flowing and draw out your imaginative side.
  • Drawing – Whether it’s with a pencil and paper or with a virtual drawing tool such as Microsoft Paint, drawing can bring out the deeper layers of your creative side.
  • Dancing – Moving your body to the rhythm of the music can help increase your awareness and concentration.
  • Photography – Taking time to capture the beauty within your world will help your right-brain come to life and stimulate new ideas.
  • Meditation – Sitting quietly with your eyes closed and focusing on your breath is an excellent way to quiet the mind and stimulate your ancient right-brain energies.
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