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How to Clear Your Voice for Singing

Whether you’re planning to perform onstage or just want to sing in the shower, a clear voice is essential for a good singing performance. Use these tips to make sure you’re prepared to put your best vocal performance forward.


  • Drink plenty of water. Water keeps your throat and vocal cords hydrated, and prevents your voice from sounding husky. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can dry out your throat and produce a raspy quality to your voice.
  • Chew gum throughout the day. Chewing gum helps you produce more saliva, which also helps to keep your throat and vocal cords hydrated. Avoid sugary or minty gums, since these can dry out your throat.
  • Warm up your voice with some vocal exercises every day. Gently stretch and warm up your vocal cords with techniques like lip rolls, humming, sirens, and tongue trills. Exercising your vocal cords helps them recover from fatigue and also loosens up any tension in your throat.
  • Be mindful of your overall vocal health. Rest your voice during periods of vocal fatigue, avoid straining your voice by talking too loudly or too much, and be conscious of positive vocal-health habits like speaking slowly, breathing correctly, and using correct pronunciation and annunciation.
  • Give your throat and vocal cords a break at least one day a week. A break helps prevent long-term damage to your voice and allows any underlying issues to heal. Avoid speaking altogether during your day of rest and stick to gentle vocal exercises if you miss the sound of your own voice.
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