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How To Use The Telephone

Learning to use the telephone may seem like a daunting task but with just a bit of practice, you can become fluent in no time. Here are a few simple steps to help you use a telephone with confidence.

Step One: Pick Up The Receiver

When you spot a telephone, the first step is to pick up the receiver.

Step Two: Dial the Number

To dial the number, press the buttons next to the numbers you want to dial. It’s important to remember to press the buttons corresponding to the area code as well as the telephone number you are trying to reach.

Step Three: Speak Into The Phone

When you hear the sound coming through the phone after the number has been dialed, it’s time to begin speaking. Remember to keep your voice clear and friendly when engaging in conversation on the phone.

Step Four: Listen To The Response

To communicate effectively over the telephone, you must be able to listen to the response from the other party. Make sure to give them time to finish talking and respond with the correct information they may be asking for.

Step Five: Be Polite

When using the telephone, it is important to remain polite and respectful. Using polite words such as “please” and “thank you” are a great way to show respect to the person on the other end of the line.

Step Six: Hang Up The Phone

Once the telephone conversation is at an end, the final step is to hang up the receiver. You may need to press a button or switch the phone off depending on the type you have.

Additional Tips:

  • Make sure to stay on topic when talking on the telephone.
  • Speak clearly so the other person understands what you are saying.
  • Always be kind and courteous when on the telephone.
  • Be patient and listen carefully to the other person.
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