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Take Time to Mend

Before you reach out to your ex with a text message, it's important to give yourself time and space to process your feelings. Consider the reason why the two of you broke up and if you really want to get back together. Take some time to reflect, heal, and think about how you can improve before trying to reconnect.

Start Slow

When you are ready to reach out, do it in a gentle way. Start with small conversations that don’t involve the relationship. For example, ask about your mutual friends or inquire about your ex’s daily activities. Conversation is key when reconnecting, because it allows the two of you to talk and eventually get back to the relationship.

Be Open to Compromise

If you and your ex have decided to give it another chance, make sure to compromise. It’s important to think about how you can work together to make things better. Consider ways to make things work for both of you, and be honest about any issues or feelings that may come up. Show your ex that you are willing to work together to create a better relationship.

Plan Date Nights

Schedule date nights together to build chemistry. Depending on your comfort levels, consider going out to a restaurant, a picnic in the park, or a movie night in. Quality time together will help you both rebuild the ultimate trust that will keep you together in the future.

Stay Positive

Remain positive and avoid bringing up past issues. Even if things don't work out,15 try to stay positive during the process and stay focused on your main goal — to rekindle the relationship. Staying positive will help you both keep your emotions in check and will ensure that you create the best possible relationship.

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