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How to Get Your Coworker to Stop Telling You How to Do Your Job

Are you continually being interrupted or micromanaged by a coworker who insists on telling you how to do your job? If so, it can be a very frustrating experience. While it may be tempting to confront your coworker directly, consider these strategies for getting them to back off and stop telling you what to do:


  • Express your displeasure directly and in private. Make sure you choose a time when you can speak privately and without interruption. Explain to your coworker that unless it is specifically asked for, their input is not welcome.
  • Be firm and confident in your approach. Do not back away from your asserted stance, and refuse to allow your coworker to derail the conversation. It is important to communicate that you are a capable individual who requires little input or guidance to get their job done.
  • Tell your coworker that their continual input is disruptive to your workflow and not necessary. Explain that you appreciate their interest, but also let them know that they are undermining your ability to do your job as effectively as you can.
  • Alter your behavior to discourage their intrusion in the future. When your coworker begins to give unwanted advice, be more purposeful in how you work. For example, try working on projects in a separate area, or come up with strategies for completing tasks faster so that your coworker does not have time to give you an opinion.
  • Spend time away from your coworker when possible. Try not to give your coworker any opportunities to “help” you when it is unnecessary. Instead, take time off or lunch breaks away from your counterpart, so that you can get your work done without interruption.

Establishing boundaries with a coworker can be uncomfortable, but it is a necessary step if the behavior is creating an impediment to your productivity. With firm communication and a little proactivity, you should be able to get your coworker to stop telling you how to do your job and let you do it your way.

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