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Using English Punctuation Correctly

English punctuation can be complex and subtle. However, there are some basic rules that can help you use punctuation correctly. Here's a guide to help you punctuate your English writing accurately:


Periods are used to mark the end of a sentence.

  • When using a period, be sure to place it at the end of the sentence - not in the middle.
  • When abbreviating, use only one period unless the abbreviation has two parts (e.g., “Dr.” or “Mr.”)


Commas can be used to add clarity and flow to a sentence.

  • When using a list of words or phrases in a sentence, use a comma to separate each item.
  • When making a pause in a sentence, add a comma.
  • When introducing a direct quote, use a comma.

Quotation Marks

Quotation marks can be used to quote someone else's words or to emphasize a phrase.

  • When referring to someone else's words, place the quotation marks around the exact words of the speaker.
  • When emphasizing a phrase, place quotation marks only around the emphasized words or phrases.
  • Always use double quotation marks.

Colons and Semicolons

Colons and semicolons are used to introduce lists or separate two independent clauses.

  • When introducing an itemized list, use a colon.
  • When connecting two independent clauses, use a semicolon.
  • When introducing an example or explanation, use a colon.


Apostrophes can be used to show ownership or to create contractions.

  • When indicating possession, place an apostrophe before the “s” if singular and after the “s” if plural.
  • When contracting two words, use an apostrophe to replace the omitted letters (e.g., “don't”).


Hyphens are used to connect words or parts of words.

  • When combining words or syllables in order to form a compound word, use a hyphen (e.g., “well-known”).
  • When connecting certain prefixes and suffixes to words, use a hyphen (e.g., “re-create”).
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