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7 Signs Your Spouse May Be Cheating On You

When one partner violates the trust in a relationship, it can be difficult to rebuild that trust again. If you think something may be amiss in your relationship, you may want to look for signs that could indicate your spouse is cheating.

  • Changes in behavior - Has your partner become more distant, unresponsive, or withdrawn from conversations? Or have they become more preoccupied, secretive, and even irritable when it comes to discussing their day-to-day life?
  • Lying - This behavior can take on various forms but the effect is the same. If your spouse often changes what they tell you and appear to be hiding something from you, then it's likely something may be going on.
  • Differences in physical appearance - If your spouse is paying more attention to their looks, taking more care in their appearance and buying different types of clothing, then they may be trying to impress someone else.
  • More time away from home - If your partner is mysteriously taking longer to respond to messages or is often out “running errands” for abnormally long periods of time, you may want to confront them and ask what they’re up to.
  • More time on the phone - If your spouse always has their mobile device on them and is frequently sending and receiving calls or messages, then it's likely they may be communicating with someone not approved by you.
  • Financial changes - Are there mysterious withdrawals from your bank accounts? If so, then it's likely your partner may be paying for things without your knowledge, likely for the person they may be cheating on you with.
  • Decrease in intimacy - Has your partner become less interested in intimate moments such as holding hands or other forms of physical affection? If so, then it's likely they may be finding these feelings of affection elsewhere.

If you notice any of these signs in your partner’s behavior, it may be an indication that they are engaged in an inappropriate relationship. The only way to find out is to openly talk to your partner about it.

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