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Starting a Conversation with Your Crush

Making conversation with your crush can be intimidating, especially when it’s over text. But don’t let that stop you! By keeping things casual, you’ll be able to start a conversation that’s fun and—most importantly—not too awkward. Here are some tips for getting the conversation started:

  • Break the ice with a joke or funny story. Showing your crush that you have a good sense of humor can be hugely attractive.
  • Ask them a question about something they’re interested in. Do they like painting? Then ask them to tell you about their favorite piece of art. This can be a great way to show off your knowledge (and help you think of something to say!)
  • Compliment them on something. Whether it’s something they said or did, or something about their looks or style, telling your crush that you like something about them can go a long way in forming a connection.
  • Show them something funny or interesting. Whether it’s a viral meme or a cute animal video, sharing something with your crush can start off the conversation with positive energy.

However you make contact with your crush, remember that confidence is key. When you text your crush, be confident, kind, and honest – if you do that, you’ll be sure to make a great impression!