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Tips for Starting a Conversation on a Bus, Train, or Subway

Starting a conversation with someone on a bus, train, or subway can be daunting. Whether you're a naturally outgoing person looking for someone to chat with or just want to break out of your shell and make a friend, here are some tips to help you start a conversation in transit!

  • Greet the person with a smile and a hello. A simple "Good morning!" or "How are you doing today?" can be a great ice breaker.
  • Talk about something interesting you noticed. Maybe there's an article in their hands or an interesting tattoo, hairstyle, or book. Ask a friendly question about it.
  • Talk about the current ride you're both on. Ask if it's their first time or how long they've been on board. If the person mentions anything funny that happened during their ride, you can use that as a conversation starter.
  • Share something fun about yourself. Are you visiting a new city? Have you ever tried an activity they may be interested in? Engaging in small talk with others can be a great way to make a new friend.
  • Be genuine and sincere. A friendly conversation is much more likely to end in a positive way if you are genuine and not just looking to start a conversation because you're bored. People can tell when you're serious or not.
  • Be prepared to switch seats. If someone isn't interested in having a conversation, don't take it personally. Simply wish them a pleasant day and move on.

Starting a conversation with someone on a bus, train, or subway can help make the ride more enjoyable. The key is to be friendly, approachable, and genuine. Ask questions, share a few tidbits about yourself, and be prepared for an interesting conversation!

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