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Calculate the mole fraction (x) of O2 gas in the mixture:

x(O2) = number moles of O2 / total number moles of gas

Total number moles of gas = Moles of N2 + Moles of O2 = 0.15 mol + 0.20 mol = 0.35 mol


x(O2) = (0.20 mol) / (0.35 mol) = 0.57

The partial pressure of one individual gas within the overall mixtures can be expressed as follows:

Pi = Ptotal × xi


P(O2) = Ptotal × x(O2)

P(O2) = (100 kN m-2) × (0.57) = 57 kN m-2

P(O2) = 57 kN m-2

Answer: The partial pressure of O2 gas in the mixture is 57 kN m-2

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