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Convert mmHg to atm:

(557 mmHg) × (1 atm / 760 mmHg) = 0.733 atm

P1 = 557 mmHg = 0.733 atm

V1 = 634 mL

T1 = T2 = const

P2 = unknown

V2 = 975 mL

Since the temperature and amount of gas remain unchanged, Boyle's law can be used.

Boyle's gas law can be expressed as: P1V1 = P2V2

To find the final pressure, solve the equation for P2:

P2 = P1V1 / V2

P2 = (0.733 atm × 634 mL) / (975 mL) = 0.477 atm

P2 = 0.477 atm


Answer: The final pressure (P2) is 0.477 atm.

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