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The standard enthalpy of combustion is ΔHc. It is the heat evolved when 1 mol of a substance burns completely in oxygen at standard conditions.

The balanced chemical equation of combustion of ethyne (C2H2):

C2H2(g) + 2.5O2(g) → 2CO2(g) + H2O(l)

To calculate ΔHc from standard enthalpies of formation:

ΔHc = ∑ΔHf (products) − ∑ΔHf (reactants)

The enthalpy of formation for oxygen (O2) is zero.

ΔHf (C2H2) = +229 kJ/mol

ΔHf (CO2) = -393 kJ/mol

ΔHf (H2O) = -286 kJ/mol


ΔHc = ΔHf (H2O) + 2×ΔHf (CO2) - ΔHf (C2H2)

ΔHc = (-286 kJ/mol) + 2×(-393 kJ/mol) - (+229 kJ/mol) = -1301 kJ/mol

Therefore, the enthalpy of combustion for ethyne is:

ΔHc = -1301 kJ/mol

Answer: The enthalpy of combustion of ethyne is -1301 kJ/mol.

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