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Calculate the number of mole presents in certain mass of gas occupying 6.5 dm3 at ??? atm and 15C. (R = 0.082 atm * dm3 * K-1 * mol-1).


The ideal gas equation is:

pV = nRT

p = ??? atm = X atm

V = 6.5 dm3;

R = 0.082 atm * dm3 * K-1 * mol-1;

T = 15C + 273 = 288 К.


n = pV / RT = (X * 6.5) / (0.082 * 288) = 6.5X / 23.616 = 0.2752*X moles.

For example, if p = 1 atm, then: n = 0.2752 * 1 = 0.2752 moles.

Answer: 0.2752*X moles of gas.

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