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Atrial fibrillation- It is a condition characterized by an irregular heartbeat and this may arise several heart problems like heart failure, blood clots, and other cardiac diseases.

Ablation- It uses surgical procedures and minimally invasive techniques for destroying and removal of tissue. Cardiac ablation includes a minimally invasive technique that is called catheter ablation which can be done by small burns and freeze.


Effectiveness of ablation procedure:

For atrial fibrillation, the method of catheter ablation is used for the treatment and correction of irregular beating patterns that may cause certain medical conditions. The success rate of atrial fibrillation is good and it is an effective treatment for atrial fibrillation but to get the long term effect and to treat the condition properly one needs to follow the procedure for more than one time like 3-5 years of follow up increase the effectiveness of catheter ablation in long term effect. If a person wants to treat the condition it cant be done in one session person has to follow up for the effectiveness of the treatment. However, the success rate is high in patients with normal heart structure and those who are suffering from paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.

The aggressiveness of ablation:

Sometimes aggressiveness may be seen in some cases of ablation but it can be aggressive sometimes and cause the injury like blood clots, arrhythmia, heart injury, blood vessels damage, etc. In some cases, catheter ablation may also cause cancer because it uses radiofrequency to make the scar.

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