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I. Ten don'ts and dos in the laboratory.

1. Wear the proper lab attire when doing an experiment. This includes safety goggles, lad coats, closed-toe shoes, and hair must be tied back.

2. When handling chemicals during the lab it is important to proceed with caution.

3. Treat all lab equipment with respect throughout the experiment.

4. With broken glass DO NOT TOUCH IT. Tell your teacher or professor about it immediately.

5. No eating/drinking inside the lab. You can get sick if any chemicals touch your food/drink.

6. NEVER run, push, or engage in horseplay of any kind in the laboratory.

7. Always use tongs to handle hot containers, objects, or materials.

8. Always heat liquids slowly and/or cover to avoid spattering.

9. Follow all instructions carefully. Use special care when you see the word CAUTION.

10. Use extreme care when working with chemicals.

II. 20 laboratory safety rules.

  • Know locations of laboratory safety showers, eyewash stations, and fire extinguishers. The safety equipment may be located in the hallway near the laboratory entrance.
  • Know emergency exit routes.
  • Avoid skin and eye contact with all chemicals.
  • Minimize all chemical exposures.
  • No horseplay will be tolerated.
  • Assume that all chemicals of unknown toxicity are highly toxic.
  • Post warning signs when unusual hazards, hazardous materials, hazardous equipment, or other special conditions are present.
  • Avoid distracting or startling persons working in the laboratory.
  • Use equipment only for its designated purpose.
  • Combine reagents in their appropriate order, such as adding acid to water.
  • Avoid adding solids to hot liquids.
  • All laboratory personnel should place emphasis on safety and chemical hygiene at all times.
  • Never leave containers of chemicals open.
  • All containers must have appropriate labels. Unlabeled chemicals should never be used.
  • Do not taste or intentionally sniff chemicals.
  • Never consume and/or store food or beverages or apply cosmetics in areas where hazardous chemicals are used or stored.
  • Do not use mouth suction for pipetting or starting a siphon.
  • Wash exposed areas of the skin prior to leaving the laboratory.
  • Long hair and loose clothing must be pulled back and secured from entanglement or potential capture.
  • No contact lenses should be worn around hazardous chemicals – even when wearing safety glasses.

III. Sterilization is the process of removal of microorganisms.

IV. Methods of sterilization include (1) high temperature/pressure sterilization (by dry heat or moist heat); (2) chemical sterilization (e.g., ethylene oxide gas); (3) filtration; and (4) radiation sterilization (Gamma/Electron beam).

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