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If you're concerned that someone might be upset with you, it's important to approach the situation with sensitivity and openness. Here are some ways you can ask them if they're mad at you:

Direct Approach:

  • "Hey [Name], I noticed that things seem a bit off between us lately. Is everything okay? Are you mad at me about something?"
  • "I feel like there's some tension between us. Did I do something to upset you?"

Express Concern:

  • "I've noticed that you seem a bit distant lately, and I'm worried that I may have done something to upset you. Can we talk about it?"
  • "I value our relationship, and I want to make sure everything is okay between us. Have I done something to upset you?"

Seek Clarification:

  • "I might be reading into things, but it feels like there's some tension between us. Can we talk about it and clear the air?"
  • "I want to make sure I haven't unintentionally hurt or upset you. Is there something bothering you that you'd like to discuss?"

Apologize and Offer to Listen:

  • "If I've done something to upset you, I genuinely apologize. I care about our relationship, and I want to address any issues that may have arisen."
  • "I want to make things right between us. If I've done something wrong, please let me know so we can talk about it and find a resolution."